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7 Powerful Sources of Motivation for Body Building

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Bodybuilding has never been easy; it takes sheer will, sustained training routine and an enormous amount of motivation to take yourself up the ladder. It also requires passion, consistency and perseverance to achieve the personality and the body you desire. Your persistence plays the role of a driving force to continue to progress and defy all odds.

A combination of exercise, intake of bulk nutrients and the right guidelines are the key elements for not just building your body, but building it fast. But the most important of all are the sources of motivation that can become your powerhouses for success. In this article, we’ll look at what those sources of motivation are:

1. Performance Benchmarks

    If you want to be a successful bodybuilder, you must set benchmarks for yourself. It will inspire you to elevate yourself, one step at a time. To make sure that you’re making progress, you can decide to reach a certain milestone in a certain amount of time. Maintain a diary and a timeline to always know how far you have come, and where do you see yourself in a few months or say, a year. Every time you will open your bodybuilding diary, you will be motivated to do more and perform better.

    2. Your Trainer, Your Mentor

      Your trainer is the backbone of your progress. He is your mentor and your father figure. Do your homework and choose your trainer carefully. But, once you have done that, follow in their footsteps and attempt to replicate what they do. Pay heed to their advice and their secrets of success. Remember, it took months and years for many of the good bodybuilders to be what they are today.

      3. The Power Diet

        Your intent to succeed and even the sheerest of motivation highly depends on your physical strength. To turn into a powerhouse, you need fuel, which can only be provided through a good diet. Food that is rich in nutrients and protein are bound to complement your physical efforts and help you to continue your progress.

        4. Motivated Peers

          Choose your company carefully, for your peers will be a decisive factor at the end of day for everything you do. Likeminded people who are on a mission to achieve muscle growth will inspire you to never give up. Choose peers who don’t believe in compromise when it comes to bodybuilding and who think that any obstacle could be overcome to when you have your sight set on your target.

          5. Self-Reward

            As human beings, we need strong incentives to continue moving and keep our inspirations intact. Remember to reward yourself every time you achieve a milestone and get one step closer to your goal. Self-reward also means that you don’t let yourself down in the face of adversity and hardship, that you don’t let negative thoughts get a hold of you. Remember that falling and slowing down is human nature, but to continue moving is the trait of determined men.

            6. Successful Bodybuilders

              Watch other bodybuilders play with the weights, run on the track and achieve a newer milestones. Watch and observe them keenly and carefully to incorporate the key elements in your program.Learn about their muscle gain and avoid the mistakesthat they made.Competitive bodybuilding is a proven technique to stay motivated and improve your physique.

              7. Imagination

                The human imagination can be a very powerful source of motivation. Think about where you currently are and where you want to see yourself after a year. Imagine the praise that you will get from your mates and family for turning into a celebrated bodybuilder. Think about how much it will motivate you. To enrich your imagination, watch videos of other bodybuilders and put up their pictures in your room to keep the thought of progression in your present memory.

                8. Compare Yourself

                  It is in basic human psychology to compare and do better than each other. In a positive way, compare yourself with your friends who became successful bodybuilders and achieved excellent physique. If they can attain their performance benchmark and gain some considerable weight, why can’t you? Give this a thought occasionally and turn it into a source of motivation for yourself.

                  9. Alter Your Workout Pattern

                    No matter how determined we are to a certain cause, monotony can make our routines stagnant and slowdown our progress. Therefore, it is very important to change your workout pattern and routine every now and then. But don’t alter the weight that you lift or bring any significant changes in your training routine before you discuss this thoroughly with you trainer. Research suggests that weight training has a very strong impact overall, so remember to break the monotony.

                    10. Help Fellow Trainees

                      One of the biggest sources of motivation is to help others out, and assist them so they may remain ambitious. There will be times when you will see newcomers and trainees struggling with weight or their nutrition habits. Take a step forward and help them out of the troubling situation. Provide them with relevant guidelines and fitness advice. Remember, you were once a newbie bodybuilder too and required lots of guidance to find momentum in your training. And guess what? Helping your peers out will actually elevate your motivation in a very positive way. Be an exemplary bodybuilder and a source of motivation for others.

                      Final Word

                      Bodybuilding requires constant efforts, an unbeatable determination and enormous amount of motivation. The only way it is achievable is by gradual yet consistent steps towards change. It is also important to have the right perception of yourself. Be realistic but also be adamant. Never give up on your workout routine and never give up on yourself. Reward yourself on every single achievement and make bodybuilding a long-term, lifelong mission. Always be acceptable to positive advice, but implement only what is feasible for your physique, weight training and objectives. More importantly, stay motivated because this will help you cross the finish line.

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